I love to share activities, resources, classroom management, behavior management and, sensory ideas for autism and special education teachers and classrooms.
I love to share activities, resources, classroom management, behavior management and, sensory ideas for autism and special education teachers and classrooms.
This activity includes a morning work book in two different difficulty levels and an editable PPT and Keynote file for you to create and add your own symbols/answers to be included with the easier option.
A morning work book is a great way to encourage students to settle down and prepare them for the day ahead. It provides them with a consistent morning routine when used everyday and they know what to expect.
This book will target some general day-to-day life skill questions that your students will hopefully begin to master with regular use.
There are 3 different types of covers for the morning work books included for you to use as you wish.
There are two difficulty levels included to differentiate for different student individual work levels. The harder work book is where students are able to write their answers - writing lines are provided. The easier work book is where students are able to place symbol cards into the boxes as their answers.
★ If students are not yet at this level please see my easier level good morning greeting book please click here ★
The pages included are;
♦ All About Me
My name, my age, my eyes, my hair, my School, my teacher.
♦ My Family
I live in, I live with, I have _ sister(s), I have _ brother(s), my family's names are.
♦ Where I Live
My address is, the country I live in is.
♦ Today
The day, the month, the season, the year, the date (harder book only for date).
♦ The Weather
What is the weather like today? What should we wear?
♦ My Clothes
What col clothes am I wearing today?
The PDF first page is instructions on how to get the best use out of this book.
This activity pack includes sentence building / adapted books to work on prepositions. These books are great for a Spec Ed or Autism classroom.
This download comes with two different books for you to choose from; symbols with words or just words.
I recommend laminating each page and binding together as a book. I would also recommend using velcro for symbols/words and the boxes on each page just so that the symbols/words don't move around when students place them on page but that is personal preference.
You will need to cut out the words/symbols individually and laminate them too, it can be time consuming but once made is a great, valuable resource to be kept for long term use.
Comes with 20 different pages/activities.
This social story is a great read for students who may need some support with getting dressed. A lot of children struggle with understanding why they need to get dressed, it may cause them anxiety and they may not even understand why they need to do it. Hopefully, this social story will help encourage your child(ren)/students to get dressed, and also help promote independence.
Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.
Comes in col option only - no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.
Pages included are;
♦ I have to get dressed before I go out.
♦ First, I have to find my clothes.
♦ I need to find socks and put them on my feet.
♦ I need to find some pants and put them on.
♦ I need to find a skirt and put it on.
♦ I might have to do up a zip or a button.
♦ I need to find a top, I put this on too.
♦ I need to find my shoes, and put them on my feet.
♦ Once I am dressed I am ready to go out!
♦ If it’s raining I should wear a coat and umbrella.
♦ If it’s really cold, I should wear a hat, scarf and gloves to keep me warm.
I recommend printing out each of the individual pages, laminating them and then binding them into a book so it will be easier for students to read - or be read to, as well as being stronger and longer lasting. You can use only the pages that you feel most relevant.
This resource contains 11 different col. recognition task cards. Comes in both spelling options of grey and gray.
These task cards are a fun way to have your students work on their colour recognition / color recognition skills. Students simply read the short phrase 'I spy my little eye something .....' and read the colour name and look at the colour splat provided- then choose the object that is that matching colour on the right hand side with the task card.
The best part about these task cards are that students can self-correct or change their answer without worrying about the answer they previously chose.
Appropriate for American and British/Canadian etc. classrooms - color/colour, gray/grey.
This is a great visual resource to help motivate and encourage students to complete their task(s) or work in order to gain tokens to receive their reward.
Students collect a token for each task they complete/minute worked (you choose), once they have achieved all the tokens they get to have their choice activity.
It is important for you to offer children the choice of what they want once they have finished their work so that they are motivated to achieve it at the end!
This resource comes with two different options of each board (one with a yellow box for choice to go inside, one with black box).
It also comes in 4 different difficulty levels.
♦ Level 1: 3 tokens then reward
♦ Level 2: 4 tokens then reward
♦ Level 3: 5 tokens then reward
♦ Level 4: 10 tokens then reward
If you are unsure of what your student's level of working is, I would start at the bottom and use level 1 then build your way up, if you feel your student is capable of working a large amount before achieving their reward then use your professional opinion on where to start them.
To put together;
♦ print out the board that you want to use
♦ laminate it and attach velcro bits in each box
♦ cut out and laminate the choice activities provided (or provide your own) and add velcro to the back of them so that they will stick to the box on the page
♦ cut out and laminate your choice of reward coupons (3 different options provided) and also velcro these.
You're done!
This is a great resource for encouraging students to work and also to improve how long they are able to work for or how many activities they can complete!
This resource comes with some choice symbols, if you feel there is something that you desperately need please feel free to contact me through the 'Ask a question' tab as a request and I will try my best to add it.
The symbols included so far are;
♦ ball pit
♦ blocks
♦ game (2 options)
♦ book
♦ bubbles
♦ car
♦ computer
♦ lego
♦ iPad
♦ music (2 options)
♦ outside
♦ playground
♦ puppets
♦ relax
♦ sand
♦ time out
♦ choice
♦ toys
♦ train
♦ walk
♦ trampoline
♦ water play.
This social story is a great read for students who may need some support with going on a plane. A lot of children struggle with understanding the process of what is involved going on a plane, it may cause them anxiety and they may not even understand why they need to do the things asked of them. Hopefully, this social story will help encourage your child(ren)/students to get onto a plane, and also help promote independence.
Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.
Comes in col option only - no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.
Pages included are;
♦ To go on an airplane, I have to go to the airport.
♦ Before we go to the airport, I have to pack my suitcase.
♦ I should pack my clothes, toothbrush and anything else I may need.
♦ There are lots of planes in the airport, so it can get busy.
♦ First, we have to go to the check in desk to check in for our flight.
♦ The lady will look at our passports and weigh our suitcases.
♦ Our suitcases will get put onto the plane by the airport staff.
♦ Next, we have to go through the scanners. I might have to take my shoes and coat off.
♦ I have to walk through a scanner, the staff will tell me where to go.
♦ Now, we can have a look in the shops or have something to eat.
♦ Next it’s time to board our plane, we must go to our gate and give the lady our tickets.
♦ On the plane, I have to sit on the seat that is shown on my ticket.
♦ When the plane takes off and lands, my ears might pop.
♦ There are lots of things for me to do on the plane, as well as lots of food to eat.
♦ When the plane lands, we have to stay sitting until told to take our seat belts off.
♦ We may have to show our passports again to airport staff.
♦ Then, we go and collect our suitcases off a conveyor belt.
♦ Now we can leave the airport!
I recommend printing out each of the individual pages, laminating them and then binding them into a book so it will be easier for students to read - or be read to, as well as being stronger and longer lasting. You can use only the pages that you feel most relevant.
This social story is a great read for students who may need some support with going to the beach. A lot of children struggle with understanding the process of what is involved going to the beach, it may cause them anxiety and they may not even understand why they need to do the things asked of them. Hopefully, this social story will help encourage your child(ren)/students to go to the beach, and also help promote independence.
Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.
Comes in col option only - no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.
Pages included are;
♦ Today I am going to the beach.
♦ It’s going to be warm so I should wear some sunscreen.
♦ I should also wear a hat and sunglasses to stay safe from the sun.
♦ I can take some toys with me to play on the beach.
♦ When we get to the beach there is lots of sand and the sea.
♦ I can build sandcastles on the beach.
♦ I can go swimming in the sea, and use my floats.
♦ If I don’t like the feel of the sand I can wear beach shoes.
♦ I can look in the pools for different creatures.
♦ I can lay on my towel on the sand to relax.
♦ I can take a picnic to the beach to eat and drink on our blanket.
♦ There is a cafe at the beach where I can go for some food and drinks.
♦ When I am finished at the beach I can have a shower to get the sand off.
♦ I can change into clean, dry clothes for the journey home.
I recommend printing out each of the individual pages, laminating them and then binding them into a book so it will be easier for students to read - or be read to, as well as being stronger and longer lasting. You can use only the pages that you feel most relevant.
This resource includes an 12 page (including cover) simplified visual story book based on Classroom Rules.
Each mini page, is half an actual page size, meaning you cut each page in half. I recommend laminating each page individually and then binding together to make a book - it'll also make it stronger and longer lasting for you.
Perfect for a special needs/autistic class or pre-k/k. This resource is also a great way to reinforce your classroom rules throughout the year, visually. You can also have on display in a quiet area to refer students to as quick reminders.
This resource is a fun and engaging activity for students to work on their coin recognition and sorting skills. All the coins included in this pack are UK coins.
There is one gum ball machine per coin i.e 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Students simply sort real coins (or the printable coins included in this pack) into the correct gum ball machines.
The resource comes in b/w and col option for your preference.
To use this activity you will need access to a QR reader on a smart device, i.e table, phone etc. You will need access to internet/wifi and a camera. Students scan the QR code on the question task card, they are redirected to a website with an image on, they look at the image and then record what position the dinosaur is on the answer card.
This activity comes in col and b/w option. It comes with an answer sheet for students to fill in and an answer key for your use if needed.
Students have to look at the task and the image and try to write down what they think it is. They can then use their device to scan the QR code to see if they got the correct answer/spelt it right! There is an extra column on the answer sheet for students to right the correct answer as well as their guess/answer.
There are 13 questions in total. All graphics are related to the Welsh celebration of St. David’s Day.
Students scan the QR code using a QR code reader (you can download free options from App stores). They are then redirected to a website with the image and the spelling/word below it.
Every task card states the question number on top of the task card, this then coincides with the answer sheet - the numbers are related i.e Question 1 task card will go into box number 1 on the answer sheet.
You can lay out the task cards on a table, as part of a center/centre or leave them around the room/outdoor area for students to hunt for.
This resource includes 104 different prompt cards to help and encourage students to make conversation.
Conversation is a hard skill for our students to master, especially when trying to start one. These prompt cards help to break the ice and encourage your students to feel more supported and confident when starting a conversation. A conversation helps to build relationships between students or even staff. It's also a great way for you to find out more about your students in class - especially if you have many shy students who usually struggle to keep a conversation flowing.
The cards are bright and fun to keep students engaged throughout the activity.
The prompt cards come in b/w and col. option as well as with UK and US spelling options.
These are fantastic for prompting students to start conversations with each other, especially for morning work, social skills groups etc.
These fine motor skill tracing task cards are a great way to encourage students some engaging fine motor skill practice. This pack includes 53 different task cards. Each task card includes one type of fine motor/pre handwriting skill.
Each page comes with 4 task cards on, I recommend printing them out and cutting them individually. Laminate them to prolong the use of them - you will be able to use them over and over.
These are great to help students improve their handwriting/fine motor skills/pen control. Set them up ready then store them away, ready to pull out whenever you need them. These are great time fillers or extras for your literacy centres.
These task cards use CVC images, there are 30 task cards in total.
They come in black and white and color/colour option for your preference.
I recommend cutting out and laminating each task card individually to make them stronger and prolong the use of them.
There are 3 choices of answers on the bottom for students to select the correct answer of the medial sound of the CVC word.
You can choose whether you want students to draw a circle around the correct answer with a wipe-off marker or put a peg on it etc.
These are an excellent addition to your classroom to see if students are able to recognise initial sounds in different aspects.
Contains 30 task cards.
The word to picture matching activities are a fantastic resource for any classroom, although especially with non-verbal students. It can help to encourage and promote reading and recognition of vocabulary related to the theme of CVC words. This resource is a great strategy to encourage students to read the words that they can see, but also to be able to understand that they can link the word to an actual image,
Many students may learn to just read words but not understand the meaning behind them, this will help to work with students on working towards achieving this skill.
Instructions on first page of how you can use this resource to it's best potential within your classroom.
This resource will be great for group work, speech sessions, 1:1 activities. english/literacy sessions, vocabulary work and farm activities.
CVC Words included are;
♦ a - car, cat, dam, ham, pan, wag
♦ e - bed, den, hen, net, pen, wet
♦ i - dig, fin, hit, lid, pig, pit
♦ o - dog, fox, hop, log, mop, top
♦ u - bun, cub, gum, hut, mud, sun
Comes in col and b/w option for your preference.
Contains 15 pages.
This CVC themed word search pack contains 2 different levels of word search worksheets, blank word search worksheets for students to make their own CVCword searches and also a vocabulary poster that includes all the vocabulary used through all the word searches.
This resource includes;
♦ Level 1 word search worksheets x 13 (8 words)
♦ Level 2 word search worksheets x 5 (16 words)
♦ Level 1 and Level 2 blank word search worksheets for students to make their own CVC theme word searches
♦ Vocabulary poster with all the words from the word searches
♦ Answer keys
These worksheets come in b/w for ink friendly printing and are appropriate for all spelling types - UK/US etc. The worksheets require no prep, simply print and hand out. These are great time fillers, literacy centres, or even to be left on sub days. They provide a different way for students to pay close attention to detail and encourages the recognition of letters and vocabulary.
This CVC Worksheet pack consists of 88 no prep printable worksheets. There are a wide range of different no prep worksheets included in this pack all related to the theme of CVC while working on different skills.
It includes:
♦ CVC handwriting practice - 25 pages
♦ Missing letters worksheet - 5 pages
♦ Scrambled letters worksheet - 5 pages
♦ Word to picture matching worksheet - 11 pages
♦ Code Word Cracker - 5 pages
♦ Word Search - 27 pages
♦ Read & Highlight - 10 pages
Contains 88 pages of activities in total.
This social story is a great read for students who may need some support with going to the Dentist. A lot of children struggle with going to the dentist, it may cause them anxiety and they may not even understand why they are going there or what to expect - mostly worried about pain. Hopefully, this social story will help encourage your child(ren)/students to go their to the Dentist, and also help promote independence.
Many students with autism are visual learners and like to learn through seeing something in action. This book comes complete with matching, simple yet engaging graphics to help describe what is being said on the page.
Comes in col option only - no b/w availability, however you can print in grayscale.
Pages included are;
♦ Today I am going to the Dentist.
♦ Tomorrow, I am going to the Dentist.
♦ The Dentist will look in my mouth at my teeth and gums.
♦ The Dentist helps to keep my gums and teeth clean and healthy.
♦ When I get to the dentist, I check in with the receptionist.
♦ I may have to wait in the waiting room.
♦ When my name is called, I will go in to the Dentist’s room.
♦ The dentist, and their assistant will say hello to me.
♦ I will sit in the big dentist chair.
♦ The Dentist will put the chair down so I am laying down.
♦ The dentist will wear gloves when they check in my mouth.
♦ The Dentist will use special equipment to check my teeth.
♦ I must open my mouth wide for the dentist to see inside.
♦ The Dentist may talk to the assistant about my teeth for her to record.
♦ When the Dentist is finished, I can have a drink or mouthwash.
♦ If my teeth are wonky, I may need braces.
♦ I go to an Orthodontist to have braces fitted. They are special dentists.
♦ I may need an X-Ray, I just have to bite down on the plastic bit.
♦ This helps the dentist see what my teeth look like.
♦ If I have a bad tooth, the dentist may take it out.
♦ They will give me something to numb it so it won’t hurt me.
♦ If I have a bad tooth, the dentist may take it out.
♦ They will give me something to numb it so it won’t hurt me.
♦ When I leave, the Dentist can give me a sticker!
♦ My teeth and gums have been checked and they are great!
I recommend printing out each of the individual pages, laminating them and then binding them into a book so it will be easier for students to read - or be read to, as well as being stronger and longer lasting. You can use only the pages that you feel most relevant.
This resource contains 24 pages of Father's Day activities as well as a 2 different covers - one Dad version and one Grandad version.
Comes in b/w option for ink friendly printing.
It's very low prep - print out what you need and then put together as a book either before or after the students have completed the worksheets.
This download comes in American (color) and British/Canadian (colour) spellings in two separate documents.
The activities included in this work book are:
♦ Color by Number / Colour by Number
♦ Labelling activity
♦ Sight Word Tracing; 5 words from Pre Primer
♦ Sight Word Tracing; 5 words from Primer
♦ Sight Word Tracing; 5 words from First
♦ Sight Word Tracing; 5 words from Second
♦ Sight Word Tracing; 5 words from Third
♦ Vocabulary spelling
♦ Ten Frame - Read and fill in
♦ Ten Frame - Count and write
♦ Roll and Trace
♦ 'Your Dad' - 4 things about your dad with picture included.
♦ 'Your Dad' - 4 things about your dad with space to draw.
♦ 'Your Grandad' - 4 things about your granddad with picture included.
♦ 'Your Grandad' - 4 things about your grandad with space to draw.
♦ Missing letters of the alphabet
♦ Interviewing your Dad
♦ Interviewing your Grandad
♦ Fine Motor Skills Practice
♦ Word search
♦ 'All about my Dad' - drawing space and questions to answer.
♦ 'All about my Grandad' - drawing space and questions to answer.
♦ Matching baby animals to parents
♦ Father's Day writing prompt - with space to draw.
As you can see there are so many activities included in this work book that will make your students absolutely love the lead up to Father's Day!
They will have so much fun working on these activities that they won't even realise they are learning!
This resource is a fun and engaging activity for students to work on their coin recognition and money making skills. Students simply read the price tag that is on the piggy bank and use real coins or coins provided in this pack to make up the amount that it says.
There are flashcards for price tags from £0.01 right up to £3. This resource is a great way to get students thinking and adding money.
I highly recommend cutting out and laminating each of the individual flashcards that you will be using, the coins (if you are using these instead of real coins) and a few copies of the pig (so that you have multiple copies so multiple pupils can work at one time if you want). This can be done as small group activities, a full class activity or even 1:1 work for working on money targets.
Comes in col and and b/w option for your preference.
This resource contains UK coins.
This activity contains 9 easy and 4 harder style word search worksheets related to the theme of Spring.
All vocabulary is linked to the theme of Spring and includes black and white graphics for ink friendly printing.
The easier word searches contain 8 words for students to find. The harder word searches contain 16 words for students to find.
Some of the vocabulary you will find included are;
• Spring
• Flower
• Weather
• Sun
• Cloud
• Rain
• Grow
• Born
• Flowers
• Lamb
• Plants
• Seeds
• Green
• Umbrellas
• Puddles
• Bloom
• Blossom
• Season
• Rainbow
• Easter
• Showers
• Nest
• Birds
• Chicks
• March
• April
• May
• Minibeasts
• Animals